Monday, September 27, 2010

First class after semester break

The first class after the raya breaks was really informative class. I was wondering that time why Mr. Vahid was there because usually Dr.Jaya will conduct Tuesday class and everything seems different that day. I just remain silent because want to know what going to happen later on. Miss. Alicia told us that Mr. Vahid going to give us speech on Effective Argumentation writing and this make everyone pay attention where we have to use this method to come out with our position paper later on. In this session Mr.Vahid gave us explanation about what is Argumentative writing and the purpose of argumentative writing in the beginning. Later he explains the elements of arguments where here he provided few details on it. In the following slide he gave example of good argument which it involve of claim, data warrant, backing, rebuttal and qualifier where most of this term are new to me . I never heard most of the term and these sessions really benefit me by knowing new terms. He also gave explanation on how to argue on the issue effectively, the aspects that needs and so on. We also did few exercises on determining the claim, data, link, backing, rebuttal and qualifier in it where I felt it’s really challenging but with the help of Mr.Vahid finally I managed to do it. We also given explanation on argumentative writing checklist where in this checklist stated clearly the points will give for argumentation, organization, language and overall effectiveness. At the end of the class, each of us gets KFC which was sponsored by Dr.Jaya as a Hari Raya treat.


  1. I totally agree with Mr. Karthik on his quotes,"I was wondering that time why Mr. Vahid was there because usually Dr.Jaya will conduct Tuesday class and everything seems different that day". Well, after Mr. vahid or soon going to be Dr. Vahid gave us a speech on argumentative writing, i were akk aware. The next will be our turn on persuading my audience for my position paper. Cheers to everyone and especially Dr. Jaya for treating us KFC the other day. I did enjoy the class with Mr. Vahid. Hope he can give us more guidance on persuasive speech.

  2. Hi Karthik,

    It was an informative class indeed! After listening to Mr. Vahid’s explanation, I finally know how to write the assigned position paper. Thank you, Mr. Vahid!

    Besides, we have to thank Dr. Jaya too for being thoughtful, by inviting Mr. Vahid to teach us, as well as treating us with KFC. Thank you, Dr. Jaya!

  3. Yeah, Karthik. I agree with you that it was an informative class. Am really glad and happy that Mr. Vahid took some of his time to give us a talk on effective argumentation. Really appreciate him for his effort. Not forgetting also Dr. Jaya's nice gesture of treating us to some KFC snacks, thanks Dr. Jaya.

  4. It's kind of surprised seeing Mr. Vahid again. The information he give us really useful as we are going to use it in our position paper. It was really wonderful seeing him again. Honestly, I really misses his lecture... Anyway , my favourite part of that day was eating KFC with you guys..Thank you to Dr. Jaya for treating us those delicious snacks.

  5. Mr. Vahid's speech about writing effective argumentative writing really helped to get the ideas on what to write about my position paper. I hope that I could apply all the tips he has given us in my position paper. Thanks a lot Mr Vahid for the wonderful speech!
